Daniel Villarreal


Sample projects


in design thinking Studio

Stoke activities, sticky notes, and collaboration fueled projects like the one above, Two Hands. My partner and I spoke with incarcerated and formerly incarcerated men and wondered, "What is a Human Moment?” We designed an experience that requires a person to work with another - be it by asking for help or someone just lending a hand. We believe that a human moment is created when we realize we aren’t alone and hoped that this piece gives folks the chance to step out of themselves to create a human moment.

To think like designers, the teaching team had us embracing ambiguity. I didn’t realize that the course was preparing me for the uncertain challenges of COVID-19.


Ann porteus: A Gentle firecracker

taught Introduction to Data Analysis and Interpretation. This course taught me how to navigate research papers from understanding their structure to the significance of p-values. It also happened to be the most successful implementation of a “flipped” classroom that I have ever seen.

This course made me a critical consumer of academic literature and left “One study does not policy make” ringing in my ears.

The image above is of my final paper for the course, an article written for the general public about an academic paper.

Messi Suarez and kdis

Introduction to Game Design

leveled up my understanding of games and gamers. I gained numerous insights into design by analyzing various components of games. The course required me to use sketch notes and synthesize information in a personally meaningful way.

Experiencing how Games = Teachers and Fun = Learning compelled me to revaluate what an engaging learning experience actually is.

The image above is was used in one of many Medium articles that I published for this class: MDA & 8 Kinds of Fun: The Beautiful Game.


If raising a child is a project

then I most proud of continuing to do that while attending graduate school.



My LDT Project was an opportunity to apply many

skills and insights I gained through out the year. The project allowed me to consider the academic articles I read for various classes in an new light. It allowed me to wonder what could happen if research based strategies to improve academic performance grounded in social-psychology was more readily available to students. The project also allowed to me apply design strategies in ways that extended beyond the delightfully joyful walls of the d.school. This project, along with disruptions that 2020 brought, gave me a chance to truly embrace learning from mistakes and failures. In many regards, Launch synthesized and replicated my LDT experience. As such, I found it to be my own tiny moment ripe with tremendous gains.



Learning, Design and Technology Seminar was a course I had every quarter.


  • Powerful Ideas for Learning Sciences and Technology Design

  • Introduction to Data Analysis and Interpretation

  • Learning Experience Design

  • Design Thinking Studio


  • Core Mechanics of Learning

  • Graduate Design Research Techniques

  • Introduction to Product Management

  • Introduction to Data Science

  • Designing Surveys


  • Introduction to Game Design

  • Visual Thinking


LDT Internship*

*My internship researched programs that offer anti-racist pedagogy & Adult SEL as part of their Leadership Development programs in order to support the Executive Director of People Leadership and Development for the Alameda County Office of Education.